325 research outputs found

    ITERA: IDL Tool for Emission-line Ratio Analysis

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    We present a new software tool to enable astronomers to easily compare observations of emission line ratios with those determined by photoionization and shock models, ITERA, the IDL Tool for Emission-line Ratio Analysis. This tool can plot ratios of emission lines predicted by models and allows for comparison of observed line ratios against grids of these models selected from model libraries associated with the tool. We provide details of the libraries of standard photoionization and shock models available with ITERA, and, in addition, present three example emission line ratio diagrams covering a range of wavelengths to demonstrate the capabilities of ITERA. ITERA, and associated libraries, is available from \url{http://www.brentgroves.net/itera.html}Comment: Accepted for New Astronomy, 3 figures. ITERA tool available to download from http://www.brentgroves.net/itera.htm

    "Root" Action for N=4 Supersymmetric Mechanics Theories

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    We propose to consider the N=4,d=1 supermultiplet with $% (4,4,0) component content as a ``root'' one. We elaborate a new reduction scheme from the ``root'' multiplet to supermultiplets with a smaller number of physical bosons. Starting from the most general sigma-model type action for the ``root'' multiplet, we explicitly demonstrate that the actions for the rest of linear and nonlinear N=4 supermultiplets can be easily obtained by reduction. Within the proposed reduction scheme there is a natural possibility to introduce Fayet-Iliopoulos terms. In the reduced systems, such terms give rise to potential terms, and in some cases also to terms describing the interaction with a magnetic field. We demonstrate that known N=4 superconformal actions, together with their possible interactions, appear as results of the reduction from a free action for the ``root'' supermultiplet. As a byproduct, we also construct an N=4 supersymmetric action for the linear (3,4,1) supermultiplet, containing both an interaction with a Dirac monopole and a harmonic oscillator-type potential, generalized for arbitrary conformally flat metrics.Comment: 12 page

    Motion of a spin 1/2 particle in shape invariant scalar and magnetic fields

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    We study the motion of a spin 1/2 particle in a scalar as well as a magnetic field within the framework of supersymmetric quantum mechanics(SUSYQM). We also introduce the concept of shape invariant scalar and magnetic fields and it is shown that the problem admits exact analytical solutions when such fields are considered.Comment: 14 page

    A nuclear factor 1 binding site mediates the transcriptional activation of a type I collagen promoter by transforming growth factor-beta

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    Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) increases the steady-state RNA levels of several fibroblast extracellular matrix proteins. Using DNA transfection, we show that TGF-beta stimulates the activity of the mouse alpha 2(l) collagen promoter 5- to 10-fold in mouse NIH 3T3 and rat osteosarcoma cells. Deletion analysis indicates that a segment of this promoter between -350 and -300, overlapping a nuclear factor 1 (NF1) binding site, is needed for TGF-beta stimulation. A 3 bp substitution mutation abolishing NF1 binding to this site inhibits TGF-beta activation. Insertion of this NF1 binding site 5' to the SV40 early promoter makes the promoter TGF-beta inducible, but the 3 bp substitution does not. Similarly, when the NF1 binding site at the replication origin of adenovirus 2 and 5 is inserted 5' to the SV40 promoter, the promoter responds to TGF-beta. Therefore an NF1 binding site mediates the transcriptional activation of the mouse alpha 2(l) collagen promoter by TGF-beta

    Regulation of the osteoblast-specific transcription factor Osterix by NO66, a Jumonji family histone demethylase

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    Osterix (Osx) is an osteoblast-specific transcription factor required for osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Osx null mice develop a normal cartilage skeleton but fail to form bone and to express osteoblast-specific marker genes. To better understand the control of transcriptional regulation by Osx, we identified Osx-interacting proteins using proteomics approaches. Here, we report that a Jumonji C (JmjC)-domain containing protein, called NO66, directly interacts with Osx and inhibits Osx-mediated promoter activation. The knockdown of NO66 in preosteoblast cells triggered accelerated osteoblast differentiation and mineralization, and markedly stimulated the expression of Osx target genes. A JmjC-dependent histone demethylase activity was exhibited by NO66, which was specific for both H3K4me and H3K36me in vitro and in vivo, and this activity was needed for the regulation of osteoblast-specific promoters. During BMP-2-induced differentiation of preosteoblasts, decreased NO66 occupancy correlates with increased Osx occupancy at Osx-target promoters. Our results indicate that interactions between NO66 and Osx regulate Osx-target genes in osteoblasts by modulating histone methylation states

    Photoproduction evidence for and against hidden-strangeness states near 2 GeV

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    Experimental evidence from coherent diffractive proton scattering has been reported for two narrow baryonic resonances which decay predominantly to strange particles. These states, with masses close to 2.0 GeV would, if confirmed, be candidates for hidden strangeness states with unusual internal structure. In this paper we examine the literature on strangeness photoproduction, to seek additional evidence for or against these states. We find that one state is not confirmed, while for the other state there is some mild supporting evidence favoring its existence. New experiments are called for, and the expected photoproduction lineshapes are calculated.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, five postscript figures, submitted to PR

    Pauli equation and the method of supersymmetric factorization

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    We consider different variants of factorization of a 2x2 matrix Schroedinger/Pauli operator in two spatial dimensions. They allow to relate its spectrum to the sum of spectra of two scalar Schroedinger operators, in a manner similar to one-dimensional Darboux transformations. We consider both the case when such factorization is reduced to the ordinary 2-dimensional SUSY QM quasifactorization and a more general case which involves covariant derivatives. The admissible classes of electromagnetic fields are described and some illustrative examples are given.Comment: 18 pages, Late

    The XX--model with boundaries. Part I: Diagonalization of the finite chain

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    This is the first of three papers dealing with the XX finite quantum chain with arbitrary, not necessarily hermitian, boundary terms. This extends previous work where the periodic or diagonal boundary terms were considered. In order to find the spectrum and wave-functions an auxiliary quantum chain is examined which is quadratic in fermionic creation and annihilation operators and hence diagonalizable. The secular equation is in general complicated but several cases were found when it can be solved analytically. For these cases the ground-state energies are given. The appearance of boundary states is also discussed and in view to the applications considered in the next papers, the one and two-point functions are expressed in terms of Pfaffians.Comment: 56 pages, LaTeX, some minor correction

    Unified View of Deformed Single - Mode Oscillator Algebras

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    A general framework for the deformation of the single-mode oscillators is presented and all deformed single-mode oscillators are unified. The extensions of the Aric-Coon, genon, the para-Bose and the para-Fermi oscillators are proposed. The generalized harmonic oscillator considered by Brzezinski et al. is rederived in a simple way.Some remarks on deformation of SU(1,1)SU(1,1) and supersymmetry are made.Comment: 12 pages, Latex file, preprint RBI-TH-3/94,PMF-ZTF-3/94, February 1994. (to appear in Phys.Lett. B

    A Generalization of the Bargmann-Fock Representation to Supersymmetry by Holomorphic Differential Geometry

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    In the Bargmann-Fock representation the coordinates ziz^i act as bosonic creation operators while the partial derivatives zj\partial_{z^j} act as annihilation operators on holomorphic 00-forms as states of a DD-dimensional bosonic oscillator. Considering also pp-forms and further geometrical objects as the exterior derivative and Lie derivatives on a holomorphic CD{\bf C}^D, we end up with an analogous representation for the DD-dimensional supersymmetric oscillator. In particular, the supersymmetry multiplet structure of the Hilbert space corresponds to the cohomology of the exterior derivative. In addition, a 1-complex parameter group emerges naturally and contains both time evolution and a homotopy related to cohomology. Emphasis is on calculus.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe